If you're a creative
looking for a new job—
You too have come to the right place. Please send me your resume, samples of your work, salary history and most importantly, information on the kind of job that appeals to you at this point in your career. Think this over carefully especially if we end up meeting and discussing your work. Besides looking at your portfolio and determining which of my clients would be a good fit, I will need to know why your present job is not fulfilling and what goals you have set for you and your creative future.
Please understand that I am not an agent, and my clients are the companies who have listed jobs with me. Therefore, I am limited by what opportunities are available. I do make introductions on occasion when a client has expressed an interest in being presented appropriate talent as I come across them, but that is not the bulk of my business. The companies I work with pay all fees.
Once you register I may ask to meet you. Come prepared with a resume and portfolio. In some cases I may have jobs to send you out on immediately, in other cases our meeting may lead to a call months down the road when an appropriate position becomes available. Our relationship is one that may be built over time. Be assured that our interactions are always kept confidential.
Send resumes and samples/links to rita@engagingtalent.com You may also choose to register through the Job Postings page registration.
P: +1 212 599 3519 | M: +1 646 470 5778 | rita@engagingtalent.com
Engaging Talent LLC, 33 West 19th Street, Suite 426 New York, NY 10011