If you're looking to
hire a creative—

You have come to the right place. Tell me what you are looking for and where you hope your business will be in five years… But also tell me about your company’s history, how you work, as well as what skills and type of personality would be a great fit for you and your team.
I work in several ways:
Retained Search. If you have a search where you want undivided attention, or you have extra challenges to finding the talent you need to succeed, this is the way to go.
It is usually packaged as a set placement fee based on a yearly salary and divided in to three parts; 1/3 upfront to start the search, 1/3 when 3 viable candidates have been identified, and the final third due upon successful placement.
Preferred Contingency. A fee is paid upfront based on the size of your company. ½ of this fee applies to the first placement I make with your company, the other ½ pays for my time working on site, helping you either sift through resumes directly sent to you, or interviewing your present team in order to define where you may make improvements in either process or additional staff. This option is for those who would like a closer relationship with their recruiter, one that is more akin to having an additional HR person on staff. It is a year-long commitment to helping you manage and grow your creative team, with an option to renew each year.
Contingency. This is a 20% fee due only upon successful placement of new staff. It is based upon the new employee’s base salary, and the guarantee is for 60 days. This method is the least expensive, but also limits the amount of service one receives. I try to limit the number of contingency searches to those I feel I can complete successfully and therefore not disappoint my clients.
If you have your own fee agreement, I would be happy to look it over and see if I am able to work under your company’s terms. There is some flexibility on percentages if several jobs are listed at one time.
Feel free to call me and to discuss what options might work for you and your search.
P: +1 212 599 3519 | M: +1 646 470 5778 | rita@engagingtalent.com
Engaging Talent LLC, 33 West 19th Street, Suite 426 New York, NY 10011